What do Cubs do?


Cubs like badges, lots of them!

NOTE: The badges will be changing throughout 2015 so you may see a mixture of types of badges on your Cub’s uniforms until they move up to Scouts

Many of the 36 activity badges are completed throughout the year within the termly programme, however some can be completed at home using worksheets.


These badges are staged, less difficult at Level 1 rising to Level 5 and are continuous through all of the sections. Some of the badges can be signed off by the Cub’s teacher/instructor.

  • Emergency Aid (within the the Pack, unless attending a St John’s Ambulance or a Red Cross youth group)
  • Hikes away (within the Pack)
  • Information Technology (within the Pack or by a teacher)
  • Musician  ***(within the Pack for Level 1, Level 2 and above by a music teacher)
  • Nights Away (within the Pack)
  • Swimming  ***(within the Pack or by a swimming instructor)

Conversion from swimming lesson badges to Staged Badge

Level 1 = 5 & 6, Level 2 = 7 & 8 Level 3 = 9 Level 4 = Bronze and Silver Level 5 = Gold

***Print off the instructions and ask your teacher/instructor to sign off the level you have achieved

Note: When a higher badge is awarded the lower badge is removed from the Cub jumper


The challenge badges are completed throughout the year within the termly programme. However, there are some elements which must be completed out side of a Pack evening.

  • Community Challenge
  • Creative Challenge
  • Fitness Challenge
  • Global Challenge
  • Outdoor Challenge
  • Outdoor Plus Challenge

The Silver Award is the highest badge a Cub Scout can work for and is presented to the cub by a representative from the District.


Cubs also like camps, we try to provide at least 2 -3 camps a year .