Volunteering with our group can mean anything from spending a few minutes every few months on an administrative task to running section meetings. We’d love to hear from you if you’d like to help us provide scouts to the children in our area.
Ways you can help:
- If you have an interesting occupation or a hobby you could speak to the young people on a meeting night.
- Become an Occasional Helper – help at a section meeting more than twice a month.
- Become a Section Assistant – help at a section meeting, may wear uniform, minimal training.
- Become an Assistant Leader – wear uniform, training provided, have lots of fun.
- Become a member of the Woodend Executive Committee, meets every two months, help with the decision making of the group.
- Help with fundraising.
- Help with maintenance.
Please email the Group Administrator at 1stwoodendscouts@gmail.com stating your interest and we will arrange a meeting with you to discuss how you can help the group.